Friday, April 22, 2011

Judge Alex's Facebook Page Revisited

I should give credit where it is due. The "others" who frequent Judge Alex's Facebook page have shown civility, perhaps even kindness, toward each other in the past week or so. When I'm finally eighteen and am declared by my wardens to be mature enough to own a Facebook page, I plan to click the "like" button on Judge Alex's page to officially become an "other." Until then, I'll just read the page. When I come across something truly profound or noteworthy, of course, I'll feel free to comment about it here. Nothing's ever stopped me from doing so in the past. Why should that change?

Judge Alex Ferrer himself was, is, and will presumably continue to be a class act. He is a true gentleman who takes time from a schedule that has to be hectic at the very least to offer words of comfort and encouragement to fans who have little or nothing to offer him personally; in most cases, they're not even members of Nielsen ratings groups. He just performs random acts of kindness (I've developed a fodness for the use of trite and hackneyed phrases, but my point is sincere) because he's a decent and honorable human being. He was a good man before the tone on his Facebook page took a turn for the worse, and he continues to be one now that the atmosphere there is again one of appropriate decorum. He even makes time occasionally to answer my sometimes inane questions or to comment on my observations, the acts of which serve him in no conceivable way other than perhaps to weight karma ever so slightly in his favor.

I'm seated several chairs away from my parents at my Auntie's law school convocation, which is why I'm allowed to type on my blog while the featured speaker is droning on about a topic that interests probably no one in this building, including even the speaker's wife. My uncle understands and is blocking my parents' view of me so that this thirty minutes of my life that I'll never get back may be used at least semi-productively. I wouldn't for the world have missed seeing my aunt be awarded her Doctorate of Jurisprudence, but the featured speaker is a total bust. Being allowed to blog has at least turned the featured speaker's portion of the event from an ordeal into a mild waste of time. My uncle is at times a savior to me, in a minor sense, of course.

Judge Alex should be speaking at this law school convocation instead of the bloviator currently hogging the microphone. The wisdom Judge Ferrer shares with the public every day on his court show holds more value than anything that's been blasted over the microphone here in the past thirty minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Judge Alex should be speaking at this law school convocation instead of the bloviator currently hogging the microphone. The wisdom Judge Ferrer shares with the public every day on his court show holds more value than anything that's been blasted over the microphone here in the past thirty minutes.

    That's why Judge Alex has a TV show, and he doesn't! ;o))
